Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

Event - DGB at the Climate Conference in Katowice

Innovation through Co-Determination

The Role of Employees in Climate Protection

In the heart of the Silesian coal region, representatives from around 200 countries are negotiating the concrete implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. German trade unions are also involved in the climate discourse at the COP in Katowice.

On December 7, the DGB invites to an event where trade unionists will discuss the role of employees in climate protection. Workers have a special role to play – they are the affected ones, but also drivers of change with enormous potential for innovation.

The panel will discuss the question of which political framework is needed to activate this potential, to include workers in climate protection measures and to foster innovation. Successful examples for innovative measures will be shared and discussed with the audience.

Erde in Herzform in zwei Händen gehalten

Innovation through Co-Determination

The Role of Employees in Climate Protection
  • Friday, 7 December 2018
  • Venue: German Pavilion, COP 24, Katowice (Hall E, Stand 11)
3:30 pm Welcome
  • Stefan Körzell, Member of the Executive Board of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB)
3:35 pm Keynote
  • Norbert Gorißen, Head of Division “International Climate Finance, International Climate Initiative” at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
3:45 pm Panel Discussion:

How do we create an environment in which employees can realize their innovation potential and initiate climate protection action?

  • Norbert Gorißen, Head of Division “International Climate Finance, International Climate Initiative” at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
  • Samantha Smith, Director of the Just Transition Centre
  • Montserrat Mir, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
  • Stefan Körzell, Member of the Executive Board of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB)
4:35 pm Presentation of operational examples of innovation and co-determination
  • Angelika Thomas, IG Metall
  • Grzegorz Trefon, KADRA
  • Simona Fabiani, CGIL
4:55 pm Conclusion
  • Frederik Moch, Head of the Department Industry, Services and Structural Policy at the DGB

Chair: Frederik Moch

Language: German & English

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