Solidarität mit Israel


In einem Brief an Arnon Bar-David, dem Vorsitzenden der Histadrut, dem Dachverband der Gewerkschaften Israels, erklären wir gemeinsam mit unseren Mitgliedsgewerkschaften unsere Solidarität mit Israel in Anbetracht der brutalen Anschläge der Hamas der vergangenen Tage. Wir denken an alle, die ihr Leben verloren haben, in Geiselhaft sind oder und um Angehörige trauern.

Nie wieder

Als Gewerkschaften setzen wir uns für Frieden, Freiheit, Demokratie und eine vielfältige Gesellschaft ein und stellen uns gegen jede Form von Terrorismus. Wir kämpfen gegen Antisemitismus, in Deutschland und weltweit.

In diesen Tagen denken wir an all diejenigen, die hart arbeiten, um Leben zu retten und eine sichere Infrastruktur aufrechtzuerhalten.

Der Brief des DGB-Bundesvorstands an die Histadrut im Wortlaut (auf Englisch):

It was with great shock that we learned about the unprecedented and brutal assault of Hamas on all the people of Israel. We strongly condemn the insidious attacks of Hamas, the murder and abduction of peaceful citizens as an act of terror and a war crime.

In this dark hour for Israel, the German Federation of Trade Unions and its member unions as well as its Youth organisation DGB-Jugend stand by your side. Our thoughts go out to all those who lost their life and suffer from physical and psychological violence and to their grieving families left in shock and pain. Our common fight for peace, freedom, democracy and a diverse society is what us what always unites us and makes us strong.

Any form of terrorism, indiscriminate killings and disappearances is unacceptable and will meet with our resolute resistance. The last days showed us how deeply antisemitism is rooted in the societies around the world. We are shocked and concerned how brutal antisemitism came to action, also here in Germany. “Never again” for us is not an empty confession - on the contrary. It is our strong conviction. We fight antisemitism here in Germany, as well as in in our global union organizations. Be assured we’ll do whatever we can to support you in your struggle, we stand closest by your side. We also stand in solidarity with all workers aiding those in need – soldiers, firefighters, public servants, doctors, and nurses – to just name a few, who work relentlessly to save lives and secure a save infrastructure.

Israel is facing a challenging situation and we are glad our government has quickly joint in and expressed its unconditional support for the people under attack in Israel.

Our thoughts are with you and all the people of Israel.


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